1. 我真的不是個很在意吃的人。我想旅行模式下的鄭公也是。在Oahu的時候每天早上在Buffet吃個八九分飽,傍晚再進一餐就解決,只有我們兩個人的時候甚至有一整天只吃那麼一餐的經驗(飛大島那天)。沒有女生的時候只會吃套裝行程附的餐卷餐點或麥當勞(這點相當XD)。
2. 過了感情最好的國中階段也有十年多,我們分別成長成很不一樣的個體;沒有萱如的時候沉默比較多,深思比較多,嬉鬧比較少。有時候覺得是不是自己想太多,還是都習慣把自己隱藏在堅固的堡壘裡。
3. 夏威夷是個步調比較慢的地方;明顯觀光客很多,所以找不著路越開越慢也很少被按喇叭 :p. 適合渡假養老水上運動,本人最推薦的當然是大島,從全球最佳觀星點的零下氣溫,到溶漿岩岸的比基尼海灘,只需車程兩個半鐘頭;我們沒去的西岸城市Kailua-Kona也是個不輸Oahu的海灘度假勝地,拜訪大島可以天文地理一網打盡,想衝浪浮潛西岸也都有,推!當然想過過逛超高級精品店的癮還是去Oahu萬惡的Kalakua Ave吧,Honolulu應該不會有人到夏威夷過門不入,當觀光客不到檀香山說不過去XD. 至於Maui聽說是全球票選最適合度蜜月的地方,各位朋友以後你們到Maui度蜜月再告訴我心得吧 :-)
4. This paragraph is dedicated to my friend David. Thank you for taking the lead for most of the time, enduring my lousy layback driving style and poor navigation skill. I know you’d definitely had a much better time if I wasn’t there, but thank you for inviting me to join you. We are probably not as close as you and our Hawaii host are, but I do cherish the 13-year friendship we have. So if there is anything that you think I can help in the future, please let me know; I am more than willing to help.
5. And this is dedicated to our Hawaiian host :-)
I don't really know about the story between you and Dr. David, but apparently you means a lot to him. He is so natural and just being himself when you are around; I don't see that side of him when there are only two of us, lol. Anyway, thank you very much for everything and, let me know when will you be here!
Now it's time to move on!